Aeris GSP Charging and Billing Module Expands Addressable Market

A typical cellular operator business is built with a finite set of tightly managed rate plans and chargeable features with potentially millions of subscribers on each plan. From a charging point of view, however, M2M is a more complicated space, and limited charging and rate plan flexibility can limit your addressable M2M opportunity. Aeris GSP is designed and built purely to service the multi-stage, highly variable charging environment of machine-to-machine.

Adapting to Unique IoT /  M2M Business Models

In M2M, each enterprise customer could present a different set of requirements. For example, beyond simple monthly access charges and the requisite data plan, an M2M rate plan may need to accommodate M2M supply chain transitions. Your M2M customers may want or need different rate plans as devices transition from manufacturing to testing, and change again once the device is deployed, and there will possibly be additional stop and start points along the way. For any rate plan administrator this is a potential nightmare, requiring high touch support just to keep the rate plans up to date—that is, if the operator accepts the requirements in the first place.

Automated Rate Plan Changes Control Costs and Maximize Opportunity

Not only is it critical that the M2M charging system easily support charging variances, the system must automate as much of the rate plan transitions as possible to ensure optimum operational efficiency and keep costs in check. Aeris GSP supports rate plan changes triggered by date, event or state transition (e.g., active-to-standby, test-to-active).

Expanding Your Addressable M2M / IoT Opportunity

Aeris GSP rate plan flexibility can expand your M2M opportunity and profitability. Flexibility in rate plan definition improves the likelihood the sales rep can define a plan that meets a customers’ business needs, expanding the potential customer base. Flexibility in chargeable components also enables the same sales rep to define the rate plan around what the customer values, easing downward pricing pressure.